2014 Minor Rookie Cardinals Roster, News, Minor Rookie '06-'07, 2014 (St. Thomas Minor Baseball)

This Team is part of the 2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Mar 31, 2014 | STMBA | 1090 views
2014 Minor Rookie Cardinals Roster
The coaching staff would like to thank all players that attended tryouts for their effort and hard work throughout the tryout process.  The final decisions that were made were very tough and that is a credit to all the players.   If you were not successful in being selected to the competitive team, please refer to the house league information sheet in the STMBA library for more information.

Congratulations to the following players on being selected to the 2014 Minor Rookie Cardinals   

Nash Coombes

Hunter Davis

Ryan King

Hunter McQuiggan

Alex Medeiros

Austin Murdock

Jaityn Sutton

Jeryn Sutton

Ty Vermeiren

Dawson Walcarius

James Whitchurch

Mathew Zylstra


Uniform fitting day information


Minor Rookie - 5:30

Major Rookie - 6:00

Minor Mosquito - 6:30

Major Mosquito - 7:00

Minor Peewee - 7:30

Major Peewee - 8:00

Minor Bantam - 8:30

Minor Midget - 9:00

Major Midget - 9:30


Cheques that are required on this date are:

1)Travel Fee $180 - Dated May 1, 2014

2)Uniform Deposite $50 - Dated September 13,2014 (if you require pants)

3)Volunteer Deposit fee of $100 per player per tournament the team is hosting (regular and OBA)

4)$80 for the Red and Black Jerseys

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