Competitive (St. Thomas Minor Baseball)




Select baseball is typically the next level of increased competition and commitment up from House League baseball.  Rep (also known as competitive or travel) baseball is typically another level of competition and commitment up above Select baseball.  Rep baseball is further sub-divided into tiers based on household count from Canada Post. Tiers range from AAA to D.   STMBA is typically a B centre, but teams have gone to the A and AA championships in the past.   Both Rep and Select play at a high level of competition and require a strong commitment from both player and family. 

How Long is the Season

The Rep regular season typically starts the first week of May and ends on or before Labour Day Monday.  There are typically 18-25 regular season games (split evenly between home and away) as well as a small handful of exhibition games.  Additionally, Rep teams play between three and five weekend tournaments during the season (including the LDBA playoffs in mid-to-late-August and the provincial championships on Labour Day weekend).  Additionally, Rep teams practice one to two times per week.

Rep and Select teams typically play any day of the week. 

The Select regular season typically starts the first week in May and can end on Labour Day if the team qualifies to attend the Select Provincial Championships on Labour Day.  There are typically 18-20 regular season games (split between home and away) as well as a small handful of exhibition games.  Additionally, Select teams play between one and three weekend tournaments during the season (including the playoffs in mid-August).  The number of tournaments and exhibition games is set out by the head coach, and usually in consultation with parents.  Additionally, Select teams practice once or twice per week.

About half of all tournaments are travel tournaments, requiring overnight hotel stays for the team players and families.

Playing time and positions played in Rep or Select Baseball are fair but not necessarily equal.

Our teams play in the London District Baseball Association. Week day travel for games can be as far as Sarnia and Tillsonburg.


The cost of travel baseball is your registration fee for your age level plus the travel fee for your age group. The additional travel fee includes a player’s pants, hat, a swag item, home tournament fee, playoff fees, diamond fees, etc. There may also be a cost of approximately $150 for uniform accessories, depending on what you currently own. Individual team fees are on top of this and are dependent on what the team decides to do regarding tournaments. The travel fee is due and payable as follows.  Payments are made by e-transfer to [email protected] as per the information below.


The tryout fee for all divisions is $75 and is payable at the time the player is registered.  The payment can be sent to [email protected].   PLEASE INCLUDE THE PLAYER NAME IN THE MEMO OF THE E-TRANSFER.

2025 Payments are below

8U rep, 9U rep  – 1st payment is $285 and due March 15, 2025 and 2nd payment is $250 and due April 15, 2025. 

10U rep, 11U rep, 12U rep, 13U rep, 11U select and 13U select – 1st payment is $310 and due January 15, 2025 and 2nd payment is $250 and due February 15, 2025.

14U rep, 15U rep, 16U rep, 18U rep, 22U rep and 15U select – 1st payment is $360 and due January 15, 2025 and 2nd payment is $250 and due February 15, 2025.

Competitive Uniforms

Competitive and select players and coaches will be receiving one pair of pants, one pro-fit hat, and a swag item.  All uniform items are the players and coaches to keep.   

Helmets and Bats

Each player playing baseball in St. Thomas will be asked to purchase their own helmet for use.  Helmets are available at any sports store. Adjustable helmets are not recommended for competitive baseball. All helmets are to be used in accordance with Baseball Ontario rules. Also, all players will need to purchase a bat.  All 15U, 16U, 18U, 22U  players in house league, select and rep will need to purchase their own wood or wood composite baseball bats.  Please reference the Baseball Ontario bat rules before purchasing.

Uniform Fitting Times for Teams

If you have children playing on different teams, please bring them together at one time slot.  Unfortunately, we can't accommodate time changes as over the 2 days we have over 200 people to fit with new jerseys and pants and hats etc.

Times are as follows --

Monday, March 17
5 to 6 p.m. -- 8U and 9U

Tuesday January 7

5:30 -- 10U team 2
6:15 -- 13U Select
7:00 -- 14U
7:45 -- 16U
8:30 -- 15U Select
9:00 -- 15U

Thursday, January 9

5:30 -- 12U
6:15 -- 10U team 1
7:00 -- 13U
7:45 -- 11U
8:30 -- 18U


Uniform and Accessories Costs 2025

NEW FOR 2025 White jersey for rep players/coaches -- $70 each
NEW FOR 2025 Red jersey for rep players/coaches -- $70 each
NEW FOR 2025 Red or black jersey for select players/coaches -- $70 each
Black or Red socks -- $17 each pair
Black or Red belt -- $15 each
Additional pants -- $47 each
Additional knicker pants -- $62 each
Additional rep or select hat -- $46 each

Under Armor jerseys are being replaced this year due to delivery issues, etc.