Jul 23, 2012 | T.Arnold | 734 views
Cardinals start 5-game homestand on Tuesday
In an odd scheduling quirk, the Bantam Cardinals will be home for the next 5 games. After playing Tuesday against North London Minor, the Cards have 6 days off to prepare for back-2-back double headers Monday and Tuesday the following week...
On Monday, the Cardinals will host EBBA at 6:00pm, then North London (Major) rolls into town to play an 8:30 tilt. Then, on Tuesday, Wyoming comes in for 2 games - again at 6:00 and 8:30. The pitching depth will be tested extensively as nearly everyone will be required to pitch some innings for the latter 4 games of the homestand.
The Cardinals are playing some of their best ball of the season right now. The come from behind win in game 3 of the Orillia tournament seems to have lit a fire under the boys and they have brought that back to the regular season. Ina season where we have pretty much alternated win, loss, win, loss, the boys have won 3 straight and have improved their regular season record to 9-6-1.
The four games early next week will all be tough as the three opponents all sport superb records as well. As we draw near the end of the regular season, it'll be important to keep the momentum and hopefully take it to the LDBA playoffs for a run at the League Championship.