Jun 17, 2012 | jvandenberghe | 982 views
Cardinals are in the full swing of things!
The season is well underway and the boys are having a lot of fun playing baseball.
Over the next few weeks we will have 2 coaches joining the Minor Rookie Coaching staff. Derek Niles and Todd Hepburn are in the process of getting their certification to help Jason, Bill and Stephen, both on and off the field.
Thank you very much for helping out. With more help, comes more baseball. Practices will start getting longer and with that the coaching staff would like to remind parents that the boys are to be at the field at 5:45pm on practice nights. The reason you are asked to have the boys at the field 15 minutes before practice, is to ensure that all boys are present, and so that changes can be made to drills if necessary. The most important reason however is so that the boys can get warmed up before practice by playing catch with their teammates. This throwing and catching is crucial to the game and to the boys success. On game nights, the boys are to be at the field 30 minutes before game time. This is very important as it effects the prepartions to the start of the game. Coaches need to decide on starting positions as well as preparing the line up, which must be given to the other team before the start of the game. We have two games this week and practice on Saturday. Keep up the great work boys and remember, keep your eye on the ball. GO CARDINALS GO!! Written By: M. Niles