2014 LDBA Peewee West HL Playoff Rules
All players, except call-ups, must have been assigned to an official LDBA peewee west house league roster in 2014. Competitive players cannot be used at any time, even if they are mosquito or rookie call-ups.
Additional players used (call-ups) must come from a lower age group and cannot come from another house league team’s peewee roster.
Length of Games
To try to simplify the much-misinterpreted game time rule and to ensure we can keep the playoff schedule on track as much as possible, here is the rule for length of games for the entire peewee west house league playoffs:
There will be no unlimited runs innings. All innings will be capped at a maximum of 7 runs per team.
Games end either after 7 innings or when games reach the time limit.
Please keep a careful eye on the time and politely ask umpires to do the same.
For the playoffs the time limit rule will be as follows:
1. Any new inning that begins after 1 hour and 45 minutes of play is automatically the final inning, regardless of whether umpires declare it as the final inning, or not. That final inning must end before the game time reaches 2 hours and 30 minutes. If the game time reaches 2 hours and 30 minutes all play immediately stops (UNLESS THE SCORE IS TIED) The final score of games still in progress when the 2 hour and 30 minute mark is reached will revert back to the score after the last completed inning.
**A new inning officially starts when the third out is recorded in the bottom of an inning.
2. The only exception for the playoffs is games either tied at the end of 7 innings or tied when the time limit is reached. Tie games will continue until there is a winner.
In the event of inclement weather, the minimum innings for an official game shall be:
Home lead: 4 ½ innings
Visitor lead: 5 innings
Mercy Rule:
7 runs for each team per inning
10-run lead after 5 innings
18-run lead after 3 innings
All other 2014 Peewee HL rules remain the same. PLEASE NOTE PITCH LIMIT RULES IN EFFECT
2014 Pee Wee House League Rules
All House League Operating Rules previously outlined apply with the following exceptions and additions:
1) Leading Off - Leading off is permitted.
2) Passed Ball on the 3rd Strike - Batters may advance to first base on a third strike missed by the catcher. (If first base is occupied and there are less than two out the batter is out, by the official rules of baseball.)
3) Balks - Balks will be called, after one warning per team per game. Balks will be called at the discretion of the umpire.
4) Curve Balls - No deliberate Curve Balls may be thrown.
5) Bunting - Bunting is allowed.
6) Infield Fly Rule - The Infield Fly rule applies.
7) PITCHING RULES – see Pitching Rules (Sec 25) in House League Operating Rules.
a) Mosquito call-ups must follow the Mosquito Pitching Rules
8) Pitch and Catch – Players cannot pitch and catch in the same game.
Pitch Count Limitations
All pitch counts must be emailed to the convenor ([email protected]) immediately following each playoff game.
f) A pitcher may not pitch more than the following limits in a calendar day. If the limit is reached while facing a batter, the pitcher may pitch to the earlier of: (i) the completion of that batter or (ii) the end of the inning
Mosquito 70 pitches**
Peewee 80 pitches
** (for all mosquito-aged players being used in peewee games)
g) If a pitcher throws more than the following limits in a calendar day he/she cannot pitch the next day – the player must have 2 nights rest.
Mosquito 45 pitches**
Peewee, 55 pitches
** (for all mosquito-aged players being used in peewee games)
h) Where a team has multiple games on the same day, if a pitcher throws more than the following limits during a game or in combination of one or more games, the pitcher may not pitch again in a subsequent game that day:
Mosquito 45 pitches**
Peewee 55 pitches
** (for all mosquito-aged players being used in peewee games)