Playoff Rules, News, Mosquito West Playoffs 'B' Division, 2013 (St. Thomas Minor Baseball)

This Tournament is part of the 2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Aug 06, 2013 | Dave Briggs | 699 views
Playoff Rules
To all coaches, players and parents, We hope you enjoy your stay in St. Thomas. Please remember, while this is a competitive tournament, it's still house league baseball.

Fun and fair play takes precedent over winning. Coaches, please do not take your games too seriously. You're setting a powerful example. Many young eyes are watching.


Also, please remember to be respectful to umpires and all participants and spectators at all times.


The playoff rules regarding the use of pitchers is as follows:


Pitchers may only appear in 2 innings or pitch 6 consecutive outs in a game


No player shall pitch more than 5 innings on any calendar day and no more than 10 innings in any tournament or series that is of 4 days or less in duration.


If the player pitches 5 or more innings in a calendar day, they may not pitch the following day; the player must have 2 nights rest.  Any player who assumes the pitching position in an inning will be charged with 1 inning pitched.


A player may not pitch and catch in same game.


All teams are required to record the names of all pitchers used in games and what inning(s) in which they pitched and report them to convenor Dave Briggs with the final official score (home team's scorebook). 


Other rules:

• Both the home and visiting team are required to provide one new game ball per game.

• Game times will be the same as the regular season. A full game is six innings, and no new innings can be started after 1 hour and 45 minutes. The exception is games that are tied. Games tied after six innings or after the umpires declare a "final inning" will go into "extra innings" meaning an additional inning will be added until the tie is broken. Please note, evening games at Sauve may be halted by umpires due to darkness (those fields do not have lights). The games will be completed at the next earliest opportunity.

• Should weather be an issue, a game will be considered official after 3 1/2 innings if the home team is leading and after 4 innings if the visiting team is leading.

• The run limit per inning is also the same as the regular season: 7 runs in any inning except the declared last inning and any innings considered "extra innings". In the declared last inning or any "extra innings" runs are unlimited.

• The mercy rule is the same as the regular season, as well. Any team winning by 10 runs or more after 4 complete innings shall be declared the winner.

Good luck to all and please have fun.

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