13U Select Tryout Times
Good afternoon and welcome to the 13U Select tryouts for the 2025 Season. As there are 29 kids trying out for the team, I have split the kids into two groups for both of the tryout dates. This will provide me with a better opportunity to view the kids and ensure nothing is missed.
Group 1 – 5:30 pm to 7:15 pm
Travis Beecroft
Koen Groenendyk
Andrew Hornick
Jake Dierickse
Oscar Moore
Carter Andrews
Sam Crinklaw
Bryson Mathers
Evan Been
Marshall Roberts
Dominic Nieman
Sam Knelsen
Van Robinson
Beckham Aumont
Group 2 – 7:15 pm to 9:00 pm
Jack Knight
Ben Rice
Grayson Noble
Levi Patrick
Spencer Brear
Willis Dodge
Brody Bale
Noah Gilbert
Jaxson Somerville
Noah Baird
Sawyer Savage
Ben Harrison
Blake Peacock
Brady Shantz
Maxton Burwell
Recognizing that we are in hockey season, please let me know if the assigned time for your child conflicts with another scheduled activity. I can move kids around as needed. If a switch is required, please let me know as soon as possible.
Thanks very much and good luck to all the kids.
Head Coach