Mar 27, 2019 | Admin | 1390 views
2019 Major Mosquito Team Roster
The coaches would like to thank all the players for the hard work and tremendous effort for the past several weeks at tryouts.
Congratulations to the following players on the selection to the Major Mosquito roster:
Barned, Tayven
Burrows, Hayden
Dunn, Nathan
Dyke, Aaron
Hatch, Zephyr
Henderson, Cooper
Laliberte, Gabe
Morrison, Cameron
Ordronneau, Luke
Thomas, Luke
Vaughan, Parker
Watson, Nathan
Team practice will continue for the next 4 weeks at the Power Alley. Same time and day.
For the players that were not successful, they can continue the tryout process for the STMBA Mosquito Select team. Select tryouts will take place Sunday March 31 and Sunday April 7 from 9am to 1030am at the Power Alley. If you are interested in attending those tryouts, please contact select baseball chair Chris Wilkins at [email protected]
Thanks again.
Coach Dan