Mar 30, 2015 | sphibbs | 1949 views
2015 Midget Cardinals Team Selection
The Coaching Staff of the St. Thomas Cardinals
Midget Baseball Club would like to Thank all the players for their time and
effort during the tryout process. The hard work and skill exhibited during the
tryout process made for some very difficult decisions. We would like to wish
everyone the Best of Luck during the upcoming Baseball Season.
The Roster in alphabetical order:
Matthew Brooks
Tommy Ceolin
Ethan Emick
Ryan Esler
Travis French
Tyler Friessen
Shawn Gold
Curtis Gremonprez
Henry Koekuyt (Affiliated Player)
Kyle Lovie
Colton Phibbs
John Principe
Jake Rick
Trevor Ross
Matthew Thompson
Jarret Wait
Congratulations. The Coaching Staff is looking forward to a successful season.